Iceland - The island of horses
From love to Iceland knitting patterns book
The models in Johannavauknits' knitting book are designed specifically for women and women's bodies.
The book contains instructions for beginners and the most advanced knitters. However, most of the models are very basic models that are easy for everyone to make. The specialty is dresses, and there are several of them, in addition there are woolen jackets and several woolen shirts in different colors
with collars and caps, gloves and headbands. The models have been carefully test-knitted, and they use Icelandic wool with an inspiring color scheme.
Johanna Vaurio-Teraväinen is an award-winning photographer. Her love for Iceland and Icelandic horses led her to Icelandic knitting. The first published guide was Gimsteinn, which has sold several thousand copies.
Find out more below!
Johanna Vaurio-Teräväinen
Johanna Vaurio-Teraväinen
Knitting has always been one of my hobbies, but when life was the busiest due to work and children, the hobby was on hiatus for a long time. Now it's time to knit again, and the love I developed over the years for Iceland and Icelandic horses led me to Icelandic knitting.
The wonderful colors of Icelandic yarns inspire you to design more and more new knitwear. I have also designed sweaters, for example, from the wool of the Åland sheep. The first pattern I published was Gimsteinn, which has sold several thousand copies. Several new models are produced each year.
I am a veterinarian by profession, and also a professional photographer and eternal horse girl. Knitting is a way for me to calm down and rest, to recharge my batteries.
I hope you get the same good feeling from making my knits!
Contact information
Johanna Vaurio-Teraväinen
Valkjärventie 400, 01860 Perttula